A relic is a personal item or a piece of the body of someone of religious significance, preserved as a memorial for veneration. Relics are an important aspect of organized religions and other personal belief systems. Relic is also the term for something that has survived the passage of time; an object or custom whose original culture has disappeared but that is cherished for sentimental, historical or memorial value. A relicario is not necessarily an actual saint's relic, but a small painting, print or carving set in a frame. In Mexico, there is a long tradition of making and wearing relicarios as personal ornaments, dating all the way back to the Spanish conquest.
This necklace is composed of portraits transferred in porcelain and cooper that belong to a family assassinated during the Mexican revolution. They decorated their graves for more than 90 years until the cemetery decided to remove the no longer visited memorial. I rescued the images and made a necklace in an attempt to perpetuate the memory of a family that was once loved and cherished through an object that can be worn and enjoyed.