I was born and raised in Mexico from a second generation of Jewish immigrants. I grew up surrounded by many images and symbols I couldn’t relate to. By combining traditional images and figurative elements from Mexican culture in a contemporary form, I try to integrate a common ground between my past and my present, between the two religions.
My work is an internal search from a religious and a secular sphere. Through my jewellery I question existence. I intend to do this by reflecting on the equilibrium of the opposites, life and death, presence and absence, love and hate, good and evil, happiness and sadness, passion and despair, faith and disbelieve. It is only through the search of this equilibrium that we can exist.
"Is Somthing Missing?" intends to reflect the need that we as humans have in this modern world to believe in something. It is from this need that we take refuge in the traditional forms of faith, however this search sometimes take us to empty spaces where the only thing we can find are the forms without the contents.